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Re: [MiNT] Conholio v0.8

[ Friday 17 September 2010, 17h04, Peter Persson ]
> > Some odd problems were solved, like a bug when redrawing the first two
> > left columns when using tmux with a vertical split.
> Nice to hear that. I'm surprised to hear that the bug you describe went away, since I don't think I've touched the terminal emulator part for quite a while. Then only changes I can remember are related to the character encoding, which should finally resemble how Linux and VT100 terminals handle that stuff.
Maybe that was some bug in the drawing routine :)

> Have you tried the "WIN_HALF_X" option? Basically it turns any font with a width of 8 pixels into a quasi-antialiased 4-pixel dito.
I have tested, it does not seems to work on my 4bpp setup, I only get
garbaged display.
I can attach a screenshot if needed (once I'm in front of my falcon of

> The reason for sticking to an 8-pixel font (or 4-pixels, in case you enable "WIN_HALF_X" in conholio.cfg <-- or whatever the option is called, I don't remember), is simple: Speed.
That's a nice reason.

> However - several people have requested what you ask for, which means it will be implemented. At least partially. With 6-pixel fonts, I could probably get similar speeds, so that's what I'm going for.
> Could this be sufficient (this means you'll be able to use fonts
> width a width of 4, 6 or 8 pixels).
I would be clearly enough :)

> > PS: I have a strange bug in emacs, [backspace] sends something else,
> > and [del] sends backspace. It does not happens in nano, irssi, mutt,
> > ..., only emacs.
> Interesting. I'll look into this when I work on the terminal emulation. It's possible that the linux console allows keyboard strings to be modified during runtime, and I have absolutely zero support for that stuff right now.
Note that I have the exact same problem on toswin2 and telvt102, only
in emacs too, so I'm pretty sure it's something emacs use that's not
well implemented on a lot of implementations, but I can't tell what.

> It could also be related to the termcap/terminfo file (try updating to a recent one), but ironically I'm fairly clueless as to how that stuff works :)
I don't have the problem with a true linux console, or any
xterm-compatible terminal.

Thank again.
Nicolas Trecourt <fosco@fosconetwork.org>
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