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Re: [MiNT] RSL and localisation
Dne 3.4.2011 11:02, Helmut Karlowski napsal(a):
Am 03.04.2011, 10:39 Uhr, schrieb Bohdan Milar <bohdan@milar.name>:
Hi all,
I have some doubts about usefulness of current form of the RSL for localisation.
I mean not the idea as a whole but insufficient functionality.
I miss definition of shortcuts in dialog strings.
You are right. Therefore all predefined shortcuts from the rsc-file are ignored when it's translated - XaAES generates its own
in this case.
Under these circumstances I have to apologize that I suspected you were not thinking about these problems when developing the
RSL features. My mistake was caused by lack of information about the RSL.
2. Some non-letter character could be use as a shortcut, e.g. space " ", comma, bracket, ...
non-letters are intentionally included (except at the start of a string) to increase the number of possible shortcuts.
This may not be a functional problem, but will look strange.
In some cases a character not defined on a (national) keyboard could be use.
Once you encounter this case, inform me!
I would like, but I still have not functional installation of xaaes with RSL features :-(
And that is why I hesitate while thinking about tranlating larger projects (qed, teradesk, ...) using rsl.
I think that implementing the shortcut features to RSL will not be difficult.
May be one decimal number somewhere near the string can solve this.
I think it's much easier to let XaAES define the shortcuts, but if it is really necessary this could be done.
OK, I agree.
Once again I am motivated to continue in localisation :-)
Best regards,