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Re: [MiNT] Language/keyboard selection and problems

On Wed, 2011-07-27 at 16:51 -0400, skeezix wrote:

> 	Of course, an ST keyboard is missing lots of useful keys (and has 
> extra keys which may not be too useful depending on the apps, such as 
> Help/Undo.)

I disagree. A proper keyboard should have a Help-key. And "undo" is a
heavily used function which people with lesser keyboards activate with
the absurd key-combo ctrl+z.

> 	Any idea how decent the Firebeen + MiNT support for USB keyboards 
> and mice is? If its pretty stable, I'll go yank some out of other machines 

Mouse should work, but I haven't tested it. I'm pretty sure that USB
keyboards won't work yet, simply because MiNT's keyboard driver only
works with the Milan and with IKBD keyboards on systems with ACIAs. I
guess Firebee USB-support can be fixed the same way as Milan-support,
i.e. by calling the TOS keyboard routines instead of using it's own.

(no, I don't mean NO_AKP_KEYBOARD, because that means no loadable
keyboard tables, no Alt Gr tables and no deadkeys.)

Jo Even