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Re: [MiNT] XaAES, TosWin2 closed and wrong active window

On 12/02/2013 10:34, Eero Tamminen wrote:
1. You want toswin to untop when it's last window is closed.

2. You want toswin to not untop when it's last window is closed, but it
is a dialog.

What do you want to do with the still topped toswin after you closed the

Although 2) is a less common case, I think it's actually a valid use-case,
regardless of a program.

One may want to set/change some options before opening a window which
contents those options concern.

Actually, there are 2 scenarios.

1) The "usage" scenario.
- The user double-clicks on a .tos program
- The program runs in a TosWin2 window
- The program exits
- The user is back to the desktop
- Then the user can run another .tos program, use the dekstop, etc.
This scenario is identical to normal desktop usage on single TOS.

2) The "configuration" scenario
- The user swiches to TosWin2
- Then he navigates in the various menus and dialog boxes to configure TosWin2 the right way (ex: switch tw52/tw100 mode, etc).

With the current configuration, 1) is OK, but 2) is not.
I think that 1) is more important, so the current default configuration is probably good. To solve 2), the solution of keeping a shell opened while navigating in the dialog boxes is not very user friendly, but it works.

This is even worse with programs that show (potentially windowed) dialogs
at startup, which need to be OKed before they open any windows.  Clicking
through a startup dialog shouldn't untop the program...

Very true.
For example, when running XaAES with the EmuTOS VDI, at startup QED displays a dialog box complaining about missing font selector, etc. I some cases, I saw QED losing the focus when clicking OK in that initial dialog. I'm not sure how it behaves now with the default configuration, though.

Vincent Rivière