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Re: [MiNT] Release TODO list

On 02/22/13 21:52, Miro Kropáček wrote:
On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 5:16 PM, Alan Hourihane <alanh@fairlite.co.uk 
<mailto:alanh@fairlite.co.uk>> wrote:
    I want to release at the end of the month.

Btw Alan, do you think it would be possible to include my <machdir> patch also in the 1.18 release? It's quite harmless (doesn't change anything from default behavior) and I'd love to make uMiNT 2.0 release with this feature (it would be strange to include a 1.19 snapshot just a few days after 1.18 release...)
I'd rather not, it fits more in-line with what's intended for 1.19 and 
it's not been widely tested and the time window for testing is already 
short now anyway.
Let's hope we can make a 1.19 release quicker than ever though.
