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Re: New Web browser for MiNT

On Sun, 29 Mar 1998, Tamminen Eero wrote:

> > a MiNTNET browser only could be done, I do know some skilled people
> > who would be willing to code part of it.(part they master).
> Lynx is pretty good with mime.types/mailcap files (which tell the
> programs to launch for viewing different data types).  It misses proper
> frames, tables and java, but at least one can look at the frames
> separately and see the text that would go to tables.
> Even CAB doesn't support java.

I'm sure Kellis would be referring to a graphical browser. I'm sure Lynx
is probably a fine and wonderful browser, but a graphical one is
definitely more to my tastes.

And to Kellis: mintnet sockets and stuff like that are not really a
problem at all. The most serious problem is HTML parsing and display which
is pretty tough. If someone is _seriously_ thinking of doing that, then I
see no problems in the idea.

         -     ---------- = = ---------//--+
         |    /     Kristoffer Lawson      |    www.fishpool.com
         +-> |    setok@fishpool.com       |  - - --+
             |-- Fishpool Creations Ltd - /         |
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