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Re: Kernel 1.14.7 available

On Wed, 8 Apr 1998, Konrad Kokoszkiewicz wrote:

>I just uploaded the new kernel to two sites:
I had to get it from funet, piwo is way too slow everytime :(( too bad
coz when it works, it looks like the site is very interesting.

>The differences mainly consist of patches sent here or directly to me over
>last four months. Short list:
>- pipe_write() and pipe_read() now wake sleeping process on the
>  corresponding pipe conditions immediately

Any change to do for the mintlibs? or should it work as is?

>- it is now possible to chdir to a directory that is set to --x--x--x

good :) now it works as expected :))) great.

>- no more sync errors from Vsetmode() and Vsetscreen() while switching
>  to a mono resolution on Falcons

hmm VERY puzzling.. I thought these sync probs came from the videl
itself. (also appears in singletos, or magic, so mint (I thought was
not the prob)).
2) You could MAYBE hack a little the vcons themselves. 
3) as I expected, with this mint kernal, the sync errors are still
there. So, are we talking about the same sync prob?

>- live timeslice control has been added via Ssystem() call
anyone working on some C header file to access these new calls?
Yves Pelletier? ;)

>- XBIOS calls like Midiws(), Iorec(), Rsconf(), Bconmap(),
>  Dosound(), Vsetmode(), Vsetscreen(), Setscreen() have been
>  restricted to eiud root.
>>From now we are going to immediately start working on new 1.15 line,
>featuring new FAT/VFAT/FAT32 filesystem and paged memory. Working betas
>will be available (at least) on
>piwo.bl.pg.gda.pl/pub/atari/mint/Kernel/untested in binary form.

GREAT!, super great, supermegacoolness.

Thanks draco. Very much appreciated. 
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