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Re: VFAT kernel considerations

 >>  >just that it can make things confusing at times (or destroy things if
 >>  >you don't know what you're doing).                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 >>   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 >> And many people (including some reading this very list) don't have
 >> a clue what they're doing. This occurance is likely to increase as
 >> people hear about the VFAT capabilities of MiNT 1.15 and decide to
 >> give it a try, so we might as well make the system idiot-proof, to 
 >> avoid floods of complains from newbies who mistakenly messed their
 >> boot partition. Just common sense.
 >Well, MagiC allows you to enable VFAT on the boot-drive, and I haven't
 >seen many complaints about that. And you'll find a lot more newbies
 >among MagiC-users than MiNT-users ;-)

Actually, on IRCnet #atari, we often have people who complain
that MagiC just trashed their whole drive, since they enabled
the VFAT extension on their boot partition, so...

And in many case, the data loss is a dramatic event enough that
some people decide their Atari just isn't worth investing into,
"cause MagiC sucks and MiNT is too difficult", so...

Whichever way this list decides things should go about this, my
own position is now abundantly documented. My warning was sent.
At this point, if/when any newbie panics, I won't be there. ;-|

From: Martin-Eric Racine FUNKYWARE http://www.megacom.net/~q-funk
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