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new kernel development...

Hi all

all this discussion on the new filesystems for 1.15 has got me thinking -
uh-oh! - would it be possible to re-code the interface to the filesystems
so that a number of different processes can access the f/s at the same
time - like the latest versions of ma@!c do? I'm sure someone on this list
can remind us of the exact terminology used, personally, at this time of
night, I forget...

Now I know this requires the use of HDDriver v7 (?) or above, but this
sounds to me like it would be a real bonus - multitasking disk access - to
all concerned. I know HDDriver costs, but it's not exactly expensive, and
I'm sure Uwe Seimet would provide any necessary info as it would boost his
sales, by becoming a "must have" for any serious MiNT-er.

Thoughts, anybody?


John Blakeley