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Re: [MiNT] MiNT directory name

On Sun, 19 Sep 1999 17:20:58 -0400, Lonny Pursell wrote:

  Okay, I'm a "nobody" on this list as well, but if all votes count, then
  I'd go for C:\MINT as well. Here are my reasons:
  1) MULTITOS has too many links to the old Atari setup. (ask any older
     or former Atari users and you get something like, "Multitos? Yeah,
     sure I remember it-guaranteed to slow down or crash the fastest
     Atari...kinda like Microsoft") ;-)
  2) BOOTMINT or MINTBOOT is not bad, but its a move away from an already
     existing standard we have been following. (not a bad name though Odd!)
  3) MINT is who we are, and where we are going. Its already in use, its
     standardized, and as kellis so eloquently puts it, "MiNT is now TOS,
     lets move on, shall we?" ;-)
  BTW, I'm using C:\MULTITOS right now too...

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