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Re: [MiNT] directory for config files.

On Mon, 20 Sep 1999, John Blakeley wrote:

> I, personally, wouldn't mind loosing 'c:\multitos' form the search list.
> Let that directory be purely for Atari AES. N.AES likes to use c:\n_aes I
> believe.
Ok, so I believe everyone agrees that multitos should only be used by the
aes, and has nothing to do in the kernel. Right?
(that would also avoid a myth with mint/multitos/mintos being all the same

> One question, though:
> If c:\mint and c:\multitos exist, and there are different drivers (*.x??),
> in each, are all the device drivers in BOTH directories loaded before
> c:\mint\mint.cnf - which I assume will be the one loaded?
That kind of question is natural, hence making it simple to load a simple
cnf file and some drivers..
> Suggestion:
> How about a new extension to Ssytem(), that returns the absolute path of
> mint.cnf, and possibly a list of *.x?? that were loaded?
I thought about something like that, but simpler, just a global env.
Like MINTCNF or MINTPATH or such.
(I am thinking that most of the "program" needing this will most likely be
scripts. Although from any programing language, env are accessible as

But this is already making the thing complicated where it shouldn't be

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