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Re: [MiNT] MiNT directory name

On Sun, 19 Sep 1999, kellis wrote:

> So Mario I take it you would vote for "mint" and not "mintboot", nor
> "multitos" or "freemint"
> etc. 
> Am I correct to assume this?

Yes. However I don't really see the problem with the way MiNT operates
already. All you have to do is encourage people to use "mint" which I
understand is what Sparemint already does too. If mint supported a
directory of any other name I cannot see why this would matter, as long as
people try to use the name mint.

I certainly don't see any sense in making further complexity by choosing a
yet another name.

But I suppose it is likely that I am missing something obvious which
may make the above idea invalid.

| Mario Becroft                * Tariland, New Zealand Atari User Group |
| mb@tos.pl.net                * Atari Hardware Developments            |
| http://www.ak.planet.gen.nz/~mario/ * Atari Serial Mouse Interface    |