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Re: [MiNT] news from the Amiga front

On Wed, 27 Oct 1999 18:33:11 +0300, Martin-Eric Racine wrote:

MR ->Kindof off-topic, but well...
MR ->
MR ->For those of you not keeping up with Linux developments, Amiga is
MR ->currently making a _BIG_ comeback by announcing it will use Linux
MR ->as its OS core. Even the lamest of Linux e-zines have made this a
MR ->major frontpage news as in, "Hey folks, Amiga is baaaaack!" which
MR ->makes a _lot_ of former Amiga coders say they knew all along.  
MR ->
MR ->Can we honestly say the same on the TOS/GEM/Atari/whateveritisnow
MR ->platform?  Seems to me that our universe has been TOSsed for good
MR ->into oblivion, as far as the public opinion is concerned... ;-/

  Hmm...thought this was indeed, "old" news. In fact, it was announced,
  then met with a very mixed response by the Amiga community at large,
  right before Gateway announced that there would be NO new Amiga's,
  rather that they would concentrate on making the Amiga technology
  available for other things, such as desktop sets.
  (and this was right after the former President of Amiga, Inc left.
  You should read the new presidents message about it. Its as good a
  "song and dance" as you would get from Clinton or Gates) ;-)

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