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Re: [MiNT] Olga, QED, and aMAIL...?

On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, Jo Even Skarstein wrote:
> Mutt and pine are very fine programs indeed, and in many ways superior to
> aMail. But the big drawback is that you must have a complete sendmail- or
> smail-setup, and that's not a trivial thing to configure. I've switched to
Smail not trivial to configure?! Some people obviously don't have enough
time to play :-)) Or read docs! :-)

Here's a config file that is all you will ever need - if you only want to
have a dialup connection to the internet. On my system it lives in the
directory, /etc/smail. Guido may have moved it, though.

# our hostnames
# what we name ourselves
# maybe this will sort out internet mail!

As you can see, I like the word 'ligotage' a lot: it's my hostname. If you
collect your mail using something like fetchmail (which mostly compiles,
straight out of the box with Guido's new libs - thanks Guido!) and pop3,
then you will probably only need to set 'hostnames' to 'localhost'.
'visible_name`, IIRC, is only used during smtp-conversations whilst
sending mail to another (smart-path)host? IIRC, I think you can leave this
as 'localhost'. Like the comment says, 'smart_path' should be sent to your
providers smtp host, same as stik/sting and 'smart_transport=smtp' tells
it how to talk to the smart bit! This effectively routes ALL email to this

There is another file in that directory that I played with, 'routers', but
I think I broke something when I edited it so I think I changed it back.
Probably best to check that the smart_host section in it is uncommented

As, I hope, more people can see, configuring smail is not rocket science,
but maybe you just have to read a lot about it and loose a few emails to
get it working properly!

If anyone knows even more about smail, :-), could they please tell me how
to route email from this Falcon, to my other atari's, without sending it
to the smart_host.



John Blakeley