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Re: [MiNT] Minix v.72 (and more)

On Sat, 30 Oct 1999, DarkLord wrote:

>   PS One more question-is ext2fs now at a point where you can use it for
>      your main minix partition and not have to worry? (I know that very
>      few things are absolutely guaranteed but...<smile>) Thanks again!

I have been using it for some time with no problems, and it is much faster
than Minix.
>   PSS Just wanted to thank (once again) all the MiNT supporters on this
>       mailing list, my MiNT setup is faster and more stable than its ever
>       been! ;-)

I didn't really want to waste bandwidth saying this but it can't hurt, the
recent kernels have been very good here too, no more freezes as I was
getting before. And even after my machine has been on a few weeks there is
no significant memory fragmentation any more. It is great!

| Mario Becroft           * Tariland, New Zealand Atari User Group      |
| mb@gem.win.co.nz        * Atari Hardware Developments:                |
| http://gem.win.co.nz/   * NEW: QWERTYX - PC AT Keyboard Interface     |