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Re: [MiNT] Re[2]: GEM boost

> >> Then my next question is - what would make MiNT more attractive to MagiC
> >> users, or rather what is unattractive about MiNT?
> >
> > Usually misinformed opinions like yours.
> Uhmm .. that didn't answer my question.

It does. It's this whole "unixy geeky" reputation that keeps people away from 
MiNT. But the real underlying reason for the statistics is of course much 
easier: In the early 90s, MagiC was the easiest way to go and you only used 
MiNT if you had a special reason to. Nowadays, the few remaining Atarians 
just use their Atari nostalgicly and hence they are not going to change 
platforms on it now, no matter how nice EasyMiNT is (most don't even know it 
exists). SpareMiNT and EasyMiNT came too late to make a significant change in 

By the way, I don't know where this 50% statistic comes from but I wonder if 
it's accurate today; seeing the activity of developers on the MiNT side in 
recent years I'm starting to doubt it.
