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Helmut Karlowski píše v So 22. 08. 2009 v 10:07 +0200:
> > this is far from true. In ARAnyM there is a hotkey for releasing the
> You mean LS-LC-CA?

I don't mean any concrete combination of hotkeys because it's user
configurable and I don't know your configuration.

For example this is my config:

Ungrab = 0:0x80

This is right control key (the default of VirtualBox, FYI).

> Does not work. (I uninstalled cloky again)

It does work, just make sure you're pressing the hotkey that you have
configured (in the GUI SETUP check the HOTKEYS).

> > mouse&keyboard grab and you can re-define it to suit your needs (even
> > on-the-fly at run-time). A good hotkey that doesn't interfere with Atari
> > hotkeys is for example right window key.
> Yes, this would be a good choice, if it would work. Again: no clocky here.  

Again, it does work and is unrelated to Clocky.

> > Not maybe. Unless you say that running Atari software in Windows
> > emulators is more important than running it on native hardware (or in
> > emulators running on more decent host operating systems ;-)
> Life consists of making compromises.
> You won't force people to not run windows because aranym has some flaws  
> there it doesnt have somewhere else.

I will need to talk more slowly so you get me right, at last:

1) ARAnyM has no flaws related to Alt+Tab
2) I don't want to force anybody to do anything
3) I know that die-hard Atari users don't like ARAnyM so I entered this
thread to explain you that it can/will seriously upset some Atari users
if they find out that the natural keyboard combination for GEM window
switching (Alt+Tab) was not used because of you developing XaAES under
ARAnyM running on Microsoft Windows...

> > I believe I have fixed that in CVS already (it was an interesting STL C
> > ++ related bug).
> I will try that one.

Please let me know whether the CVS version fixes the crash with stack
