Am Sonntag, den 09.01.2011, 22:02 +0100 schrieb Vincent Rivière <>:
Miro Kropáček wrote:To me it looks very logical, it's very smart!
When I copy a file I assume the creation date becomes the time where I ran cp (or whatever...). I do not assume the create date is preserved - at least not when the file didn't exist previously. I assume the creation date/time get's set during an call to Fcreate ( or API like that ), copying a file involves Fcreate, at least when the file isn't existent...
The problem is similar in web server contexts, when changes are not taken in account. I hit this problem quite often when updating JSP pages using the Windows explorer.
User CNTRL+F5 - that should never ever load stuff from the cache ;) Greets, m