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Re: [MiNT] XaAES:first menu,was:Release TODO list

On 20/01/2013 13:47, Helmut Karlowski wrote:
The MintLogo in the XaAES about dialogue is dark and blue. Is this a
palette issue? Aranym 0.9.14/Fedora 17, Teradesk with 256 colours.

This is the damn ARAnyM/EmuTOS/fVDI/XaAES "blue icons" bug.
I'm really fed up with it, I'm investigating it right now.

What about the buffer in Toswin2? If I start the bash (via shell select
in tw2), then I can not recall the last command from buffer/history with
the arrow up, as I am know it from linux bash or shell.

bash uses the GNU Readline library for input. You need to configure it with the file /etc/inputrc. See mine as attachment, it works fine, including up and down arrows for history.

Vincent Rivière
set horizontal-scroll-mode Off
set meta-flag On 
set input-meta On
set convert-meta Off
set output-meta On
"\d": delete-char
"\b": backward-delete-char
"\eE": beginning-of-line
"\ea": beginning-of-history
"\eb": end-of-history
"\eD": backward-char
"\eC": forward-char
"\eA": previous-history
"\eB": next-history