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Re: [MiNT] Native GCC built

On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 12:13 AM, Vincent Rivière <vincent.riviere@freesbee.fr> wrote:
But if someone (esp. on FireBee) would like to get an "official"
binary release of libc/libm, I can send it over.

That would help for bootstrapping.

OK, I found some time to package them. In the same location you can find now "prepackaged" libc+libm pairs for each platform, just cd / && tar xjf <archive>.tar.bz2 (having /usr already setup, of course).

This should make boostrapping on the FireBee quite straightforward, I verified "Hello world" in an unix-less FreeMiNT installation, purely from the ramdisk (but see my bug report about it).

Btw, two minor notes about your tools, Vincent (as I wanted to be a true newbie, downloaded 'tar' and 'bzip' from your website ;))

- packaging tar and/or bzip in .tar.bz2 format isn't exactly helping as I needed them for extracting this very formats ;)
- your m68020-60 and 5475 builds shouldn't use /usr/lib/m68020-60 and /usr/lib/m5475, respectively. That is, should you decide to follow the "new" multilib convention.

MiKRO / Mystic Bytes