[Freemint-list] FreeMiNT for 21st century

Markus Fröschle mfro at mubf.de
Fri Jan 13 08:55:42 MSK 2017

Am 13.01.2017 um 06:09 schrieb Mark Duckworth:
> Since my day job is C# I use visual studio and I now lean heavily on
> that beast to detect my typos and inform me of the api functions (and
> million overloads for each of them) that I am inevitably going to
> forget.  It's a nice way to work to be honest but at the end of the day
> it leaves me feel more like I am scripting than coding.
Frankly, that added comfort - being able to look up function parameters, 
go to a corresponding header file, list up callers of the current 
functions, lookup TOSHYP help or do code completion, do a git diff, pull 
or commit, etc., all with a single key stroke - is the main reason for 
me to code on the PC instead of my FireBee. Not (only) raw compiler speed.

I've nailed together myself a pretty comfortable cross compiling setup 
using QtCreator that can do all this and and more, and honestly, I 
simply can't imagine anymore how I was ever able to code anything 
non-trivial on the Atari without this convenience. Signs of getting old 
and lazy, probably ;).

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