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Re: TOS/MiNT/MagiC issues (was: Importance of "W"

> >  >* free AES 4.1 compatible AES... oAESis was getting there, but it is 
> >  >still buggy, and since development has stopped...
> >
> > This is wishfull thinking, IMHO. There's just too much work involved
> > into making an AES 4.1 replacement. It should at least be shareware.
> I wouldn't have thought many people expect to make any money out of Atari's
> any more - I program for fun, not for my living (well, on the Atari platform,
> anyway).


I've never heard of a ShareWare project that's been created by a team of
people spread around the net, and that's the only way a new AES will ever
have a chance of being completed.
In any case, we need a _free_ AES, including sources.

A lot of work has already been done (XaAES and OAESis), which a FreeWare
project would be able to take advantage of. A ShareWare AES would have to
be started from scratch, if it was even possible to find someone who was
willing to give it a try.

An AES is not really _that_ big a project, by the way.
Both XaAES and OAESis were certainly getting there (though I don't have
much experience with the latter) and XaAES for example was only a little
over 100kbyte executable and perhaps 500-600kbyte source code.

> >  >Nor do I. Just be patient, and wait for fenix.

Don't _wait_ for Fenix. Make it happen!
(I certainly need more people on the fVDI sub-project.)

  Chalmers University   | Why are these |  e-mail:   rand@cd.chalmers.se
     of Technology      |  .signatures  |            johan@rand.thn.htu.se
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   Gothenburg, Sweden   |     well?     |            (MGIFv5, QLem, BAD MOOD)