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Re: [MiNT] Lauching problem

on Fri 27-08-1999 20:31 Maurits van de Kamp wrote:

>On Fri, 27 Aug 1999, Francois Le_Coat/mailaxis wrote:
>> When I double click on application icons, nothing
>> happens, and I must reboot the machine so that
>> it works again.
>When the desktop refuses to start an application and gives no error at
>all, it usually means you don't have enough memory to load the
>application. Strange on a Hades, but not impossible I guess. :) How much
>ram do you have?
My Hades has 128 MB. When the Hades is booted I usualy have some 119 MB 
left. I've had a memory problem the time I was using 'tcsh' as shell. 
Somehow 'tcsh' or something else managed to eat away all available memory. 
However when this happened I still could launch a prog or shell. They give 
me a warning and died then but I could launch.
The problem Francois and I've is that we can't do anything. Even 
[control]+[alt]+[q] to call 'nclossure.app' doesn't work.
Once I've had this problem just after a reboot.

The problem occured the first time after I installed the MiNT '98 package 
somewhere begin july. I was using freeMiNT 1.15.2b at that time. 

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