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RE: [MiNT] vcons keyboard maps

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Martin-Eric Racine [mailto:q-funk@pp.fishpool.fi]

> > In TosWinII 2.4 you can select translation-tables for in- 
> and outgoing
> > characters for each window. 
> TosWinII 2.4 fails here, when I try to start a shell....

What happens? I still have the source on my HD, if you tell me exactly what
happens I might look into it (if I can find the time that is).

> I still use 2.2 instead.

2.2 also supports 8859-1, but only for incoming characters. You need to use
a 8859-1 font to get proper output with this version.

And don't forget that some programs (like less) needs some env-variable set
to know what charset to use, this must be set correctly under tw52/100 as
well. AFAIR this is by default only set when running on a stv-terminal

> Until 2.4 manages to open a shell correctly here, I cannot use it.

Just a thought - you haven't mixed different versions of TosWin and tw-call
have you? The protocols and calling-conventions has changed a bit between
versions. IMO it worked best in 2.0, I have no idea why it was changed later

Jo Even Skarstein