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RE: [MiNT] vcons keyboard maps

> > TosWinII 2.4 fails here, when I try to start a shell....
> What happens? I still have the source on my HD, if you tell me exactly what
> happens I might look into it (if I can find the time that is).

I recompiled my own.  work well, except it inserts an extra
LF before every line.  It messes up on interpretting other
VT signals too, such as when running ncurses-compiled apps
such as IRCII and Pine.

Martin-Eric Racine            http://pp.fishpool.fi/~q-funk/M-E/
The ATARI TT030 Homepage       http://funkyware.atari.org/TT030/
   "When the time comes, I will know and I shall be."  Q-Funk