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RE: [MiNT] VT100 or better vcons

> Does Stephen Moore still develop vcons?  

[  :s/ph/v/  :) ]

Yes. Next time I plan to touch the source is sometime tomorrow.

Expect website updates this week, and email or kick me if it
doesn't happen. ;)

> Last I've heard, he had added TT-Medium and colour support, 
> but nothing new since that 0.9d-dev12 beta.  Also, I sent
> him some sources that could help him complete his vt102 
> support, but never heard from him either.

Oops. Sorry. I tend to overlook answering email. :)

I got the sources, just as I've perused ToswinII - but I can't
(unfortunately) just copy-and-paste large sections :) because
vconsd works in a fundamentally different (more efficient) 
way... which requires special care and attention to avoid
messing up.

I've been doing a great deal more partying than coding recently,
and have done a couple of rather intensely-coded projects - and
vcons slipped down the pile. I'll make sure it gets back up

... but I find myself using MiNT much, much less now that the
Falcon isn't networked... Graoumf doesn't work under it. Ah,
which reminds me, it's that time of year to bug L. de S. to
GPL the Graoumf sources again! ;)
