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Re: [MiNT] PC Ditto

Quoting Petr Stehlik <pstehlik@sophics.cz>:

p.slegg@scubadivers.co.uk píse v St 09. 01. 2008 v 16:50 +0000:

I was at work so I gave it a quick test with Aranym, it runs but complai
that I have a USA keyboard and it is a European PC-Ditto; I actually hav
a GB keyboard. The Aranym set-up is Mint 1.16.3 and XaAES 0.998
Both TOS 4.04 (if you use it in ARAnyM) and FreeMiNT allows you to
change your keyboard from USA to GB so give it a try (for TOS use a
NVRAM editor).

Running PC-Ditton on Aranym on a PC was just an experiment since it
is fairly pointless.

I may have another look at SoftPC but I think that had problems with
the Milan screen/resolutions.  I just found the website where I think
I got the files originally http://www.holleman.demon.nl/  if anyone
else is interested.
