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Re: [MiNT] GCC testsuite

Hello Keith,

It seems to me that Mark was able to build a newer (at least at that time)
tcl package with a little work, but, again, it has been a while.  I think
the tcl hurdle was crossed, but not the expect hurdle.
Yes, tcl is able to build with one dummy fix, it expects some value for ioctl call (some IOCMSET or so) and we don't have it (just IOCMGET). But I'm not sure if this dummy value didn't cause the malfunction of expect ;-)

for it with 060 support.  Where can I find a nice netbsd libm source
package?  I just started to look at google and so far am just sitting at
the netbsd cvs site, keep getting distracted by other items at work today.
:) ftp://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD/NetBSD-4.0/source/sets -- it should be that src.tgz package, libm directory.
to Cflags and multilib disabled in configure.  I'm not sure yet.  The
cross compiler just finished building.
well, I think you should try that disabled multilib + cflags for 060 -- I've tried it three times with boot cflags + full multilib and everytime it ended in built-in error for stage2 gcc. Don't waste your time -- or, try to get that expect working. This is probably the key for hunting that bug.

MiKRO / Mystic Bytes