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Re: [MiNT] libgem16: vs_color

How are pointers represented in aranym? I write the pointers in vs_color  
into a file and get:
vs_color:  0/  0/1000,vdi_intin=4EB850B(1),ptr=4EB850B/4EB850D/4EB8507/0
control=4EB8527(1)4EB8527/4EB8527 rgb=4F2CB34 vdi_params=4EB8513

0x4eb850b is odd, isn't it?

Or is this gcc-special - does it align local arrays on odd boundaries? The rgb-parameter which is an arg for the function, is even, everything on the stack is odd. Or is this a big/little-endian-issue, something like 0x4eb850b(atari) = 0x50b4eb8(intel)?
Seems that the LSB is set but it is not the LSB that makes the address,  
and fvdi my mistake thinks it is set.
If so: how to cure this?

Helmut Karlowski