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Re: [MiNT] stairs reloaded

Vincent Rivière, 25.02.2013 14:52:25:

On 25/02/2013 13:33, Helmut Karlowski wrote:
It's not - it is a way to control CRMOD from an application.

Ok, now I understand that you are speaking at user level.
That *CRMOD stuff is defined at various places.

In the kernel: sys/mint/fsops.h
# define T_CRMOD	0x0001

In the MiNTLib: include/sys/ioctl.h
#define	CRMOD		0x0001

That's actually the same.

What system call are you trying to use in your user program?
tcsetattr()? Fcntl()?

tcsetattr. I'm not sure but somehow CRMOD is not transferred by tcsettattr().

Yesterday, with ARAnyM, I removed fVDI and I started XaAES. From TeraDesk I ran a .prg which made text output. The text was displayed on the full screen as expected (since the TosWin2 console was closed), and there was no stairs. It is what was supposed to be fixed with my original stairs patch, and now (after additional fix) it works fine.

When XaAES does the output, because it sets CRMOD.

I will test tonight with Hatari, ARAnyM, or whatever.

Do you mean that I have to type the above in bash running on the BIOS console, without XaAES?

Run the attached script.

Helmut Karlowski

Attachment: stairtst
Description: Binary data