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Re: [MiNT] Issue with Mint 1.19 and Litchi (maybe solved)

Am 07.02.2015, 11:15 Uhr, schrieb markus@mubf.de:

With MiNT's new "virtually unlimited" number of handles, wouldn't it only consequent to consider Fselect() in its current implementation broken by design?

I think yes.

I mean, with MiNT able to hold (approximately) 240 open handles (that's at least what my tests on Aranym showed) and Fselect() only able to listen on 26 of them, isn't that asking for trouble anyway?

That's libc-standard:

Data Type: fd_set

The fd_set data type represents file descriptor sets for the select function. It is actually a bit array.
Macro: int FD_SETSIZE

The value of this macro is the maximum number of file descriptors that a fd_set object can hold information about. On systems with a fixed maximum number, FD_SETSIZE is at least that number. On some systems, including GNU, there is no absolute limit on the number of descriptors open, but this macro still has a constant value which controls the number of bits in an fd_set; if you get a file descriptor with a value as high as FD_SETSIZE, you cannot put that descriptor into an fd_set.


int select (int nfds, fd_set *read-fds, fd_set *write-fds, fd_set *except-fds, struct timeval *timeout)

So the maximum handle to listen to is limited to the number of bits in the argument to select (64 on cygwin).

Unless you redefine that all, but I don't know if it would break some standard software.

What do you think?

I think it's all a hack ;)

