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Re: Preparing new distribution...

Maurits van de Kamp wrote:

> > 1) move /home/root to /root
> Raah no! Umm why not simply create a link?

Exactly, this is not that important, as long as you don't use / as
root's home-directory... I prefer to use /root so I can keep the users
on a mountable filesystem. Because their fileareas are the most likely
to grow uncontrollable!

> And also think of a way to run fsck at a more appropriate moment than is
> happening in the current kgmd..:))

I always runned fsck from mint.cfg with the down part that it don't have
any fstab to look in, so I have to specify which filesystems to run fsck
on in the mint.cfg file.

> Here's another consideration:
> Take good care with documenting it all. The major disadvantage of an
> install script is that it does everything without the user having a clue
> about what's going on. In the end you have a huge unix filesystem and no
> idea what it does, so it should be very clear to the user (where to find
> out) what it's all about. In the ideal case, it can be installed without
> any mint/unix knowledge (which kemd would be as well, if it would run
> without probs), but after that, the user should be left with a document
> structure that starts at a simple level and makes it easy to find out
> specialised stuff.

As I see it, the bad thing with KGMD or the other packages that is out
there is that it's not possible to FIX a damaged installation, or
upgrade the previous installation. They all create a new minix partition
and installs everything from scratch. 

> The current documentation is very thorough, but still most of the manpages
> are only understandable if you already understood half of them, plus you
> have no idea where to start. Well a .hyp file on how to use man would be a
> nice start :)

This is the general problem, find a person that is willing to write it

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