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Re: VFAT kernel considerations

 >Please note: the new fs is a FAT based filesystem that also supports
 >(optionally and configurable) Microsoft's VFAT extension and FAT32.
 >>    Therefore, I strongly recommend keeping C: as TOSFS only.
I recommend that newfatfs explicitely ignores any request (mint.cnf)
to write drive C: as VFAT media, in order to be totally idiot-proof.
Something like:
Should be completely ignored, and a warning message be issued during
          Warning:  VFAT cannot ever be enabled for drive C: !!!
Also, the kernel should read "/etc/fstab" and reject requests to
make any Minix partition as VFAT-writable, printing this message:

          Warning:  partition D: assigned to Minix filesystem !!!
Furthermore, it might be a good idea to write "/etc/fstab" and
specify any partitions (ie: drive D: or above) that use VFAT, so 
that future versions of INIT can call up the correct version of
FSCK for each filesystem.


I hope some of the above ideas will inspire Frank for his next
NEWFAT routines... ;-)

From: Martin-Eric Racine FUNKYWARE http://www.megacom.net/~q-funk
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