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Re: [MiNT] MiNT directory name

On Sun, 19 Sep 1999 20:31:52 +0300, Martin-Eric Racine wrote:

>> MiNT looks in the same paths in the same order regardless of how
>> it's compiled (first ./, then /mint/ and finally /multitos/).
>If there's anything I retain from this thread, it's that kellis
>made a lot of noise for nothing.  The above order is still fine.

If we took a vote on who genetates the most "noise" as you put it,
I would bet money you'd be victorious in this area. How about
we go back to discussing ram boards, cost, availability for example?

Here we are discussing an actual aspect of mint, and I still think
kellis has a point. My setup also works, however as I said before
in a previous post you completely ignored is that newcomers who
have failed attempts at installing mint move on to some other
operating system. Is that what you want?

>The only thing that is needed is to better document the installation
>procedure, to _explicitely_ state when users should maintain one path
>or another, such as in MiNT 98, which uses multitos/ for everything
>and should explicitely mention it in its docs.  Same for KEMD.

Atari Computer User: Lonny Pursell        E-Mail: atari@bright.net
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