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Re: [MiNT] Re[2]: GEM boost

> >>Now I know why 50% of the Atari users are using MagiC!
> >
> >Sure, it's because they hate RPM. (Though my guess is that 99% of those 
> >MagiC users don't know what it is).
> This a bad idea,

What is a bad idea?

> I know RPM, I use Linux but I prefer Magic than any 
> other Atari system, because I use it for near 10 years on a Mac.Atari  
> developpers are not only on Mint! And I know other people like me!

(What's this got to do with it?) Sure, but here's a newsflash: MagiC 
development stopped years ago. The only OS for Atari that is still under 
development is MiNT. So new features will only appear in MiNT, and because of 
that new software MIGHT only run under MiNT.

But if you're happy running the software you have been running for the past 10 
years, just keep on using it. Nobody is forcing you to upgrade anything.

Still I don't see what all this has to do with MiNT using RPM, which it has 
been doing for years now as well.
