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Re: [MiNT] GEM frameworks

From: "Paul Wratt" <paul.wratt@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 1:55 AM
To: "mint" <mint@lists.fishpool.fi>
Subject: Re: [MiNT] GEM frameworks

Magic is dead, but I like to use it with my MegaST... :) It fast and
comfortable. I expect MiNT will not run satisfactory.

this is an example of why its still a good thing to allow compilation of
MagiC compatible binaries

It's not about "allowing" or not. It's about how much effort you're willing to spend on making things work on an OS that hasn't seen an update in 10 years.

I read doc the other day that said gcc binaries for MagiC work, but only if
they are compiled with 2.95 (an example of use for gcc-295), was something
to do with C calls (I think).

In my book this comes under the same topic as "runs on plain TOS" in that
in atm it is borderline wheather the resulting apps are actually usable or not,

If you're writing apps that are using any of the new features in MiNT/XaAES/MyAES, it doesn't matter if the binary doesn't run on MagiC or TOS. What's the point in updating MiNT/XaAES at all if you're emulating all the new features in every single binary anyway?

but the point being that it is still possible, and that it will be
impossible at
some point in the near future

No big loss. TOS and MagiC doesn't evolve anymore. If you want to write apps for these then you can. PureC and older versions og gcc will not disappear. But "forcing" everybody to support TOS and MagiC doesn't make sense.

For me that meant ARAnyM, for others it could be original hardware they still
have, or practical use through CT6x/CTPCI or the new ACP/FireBee. To make
my point I recently seen a list of CT6x/CTPCI for TT (not sure weather
it actually
happened yet tho)

All of these machines are perfectly capable of running MiNT/XaAES. I do it myself on a plain 14Mb Falcon. That big apps like a web browser needs more resources than a plain Falcon can provide is just a fact of life. Personally I'm looking forward to receive my ACP. My Falcons will then be put on display on a shelf :-)

Jo Even