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Re: [MiNT] trunk-09082010 file structure / content

On 8/10/10 8:32 AM, Miro Kropacek wrote:
There is always going to be CPU specific options. MMU and FPU as well as
different instructions. Choice is a fact of life.
Sure. But we can do it in runtime -- is there an FPU present? Yes,
initialize it. Same for MMU, exotic HW, anything. Only CPU specific
thing is stack frames and maybe some other Supervisor stuff, here are
changes for each new generation and this can be certainly solved by
some function pointers.

Remember, there are three things we are discussing:

1. Unified kernel (where applicable/possible) -- would you accept such
patch? If not ->  I stick to the solution with mint loader, if yes, I
start working on merging.

2. Building the kernel (unified or not), in a way one specify only one
common CFLAGS and all parts will be compiled in one common way -- I
assume you agree this is good and welcomed? How it will be implemented
depends on 1.)

3. How many kernels to release. Depends a little on 2.) but you're
virtually free to release any CFLAGS combination you want. Here I
suggested we should, regardless on 1.) and 2.), release as few kernels
as possible, you don't share this point of view, I assume I have to
learn to live with that :)

Btw, what others think? Is it better to provide kernel for each
machine/cpu combination than having some basic configurations ?

I enjoy the concept of "fat" binaries. As long as the detection and initlialization code doesn't sit around in ram long after it's done I agree with the idea. I often wonder if that's a big reason for the mint (ram) bloat (and I use that term relatively because 2MB isn't too crazy) is that a lot of detection and initialization routines that run once are sitting in ram and can these not be unloaded in some way.
