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Some thoughts on MiNT
I have some thoughts and questions on MiNT and its problems...
Are there any plans to replace the losing memory manager in MiNT with a
decent one? I mean, why implementing kluges like the shared text stuff
that requres -mbaserel? More and more atari systems have a 68030. Why not
use it? Doing so wold solve a lot of problems, including: the absence of
a virtual memory manager, fragmented memory, kludgy shared text (the only
thing that would be needed is a prgflag that is a gurantee that the text
segment is never modified).
I have the impression that MiNT users have learned to live with these
problems instead of attempting to do something about it. Please don't
accuse me of complaning without doing anyting. I don't know enough about
memory managers to be able to do it. Is anybody working on this?
Another really nice thing would be shared libraries. Most MiNT
configurations have only 4 megs of memory (including my own). If I
install everything I want to run (MinixFS, MiNT-NET, vcons, MiNTOS, Bash,
etc...) I have only about 700KB left! That's not even enough for Emacs!
Is anybody working on a port of X-Windows for MiNT? This is one of the
lings I would really love to see on my atari. I've thought about trying
the new Linux port but I'd rather use MiNT.
What's your comments on this?
Elias M}rtenson ! No joke here.
elias@proxxi.uf.se ! Sorry for the inconvenience.
C-programmerare och GNU-fanatiker !