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Re: [MiNT] XaAES

Am 19.08.2009, 22:59 Uhr, schrieb Jo Even Skarstein <joska@online.no>:

Will do it tomorrow, my Milan is busy compiling ATM...

Got it. Its too hot atm to do something complicated, did not yet look at it.

N.AES simply started the program pointed to by RSMASTER. XaAES and

You mean an environment-variable? Well I would rather like this to reside in a defined directory similar to XaAES, and the xfs, etc. So its easier to configure and one can be sure to run the correct version.

Teradesk could do the same, both saving some bytes. Then it would be easy to support all sorts of hardware, "just" write a new resolution-change-app.

Yep - somehow we are missing some manpower ...

MagiC only have the WDialog listbox, which is "only" a listbox. It

Do you know of any programs using these MagiC-lists? If there are no, I think we could ignore MagiC.

doesn't handle trees like G_SLIST. And XaAES already supports this. WDialog is a pain to use anyway, I'd rather be able to just use the G_SLIST-object in any RSC, supported by some simple AES-calls.


Yes, the idea is that the previously topped application always is the first in the list when switching using alt-ctrl-tab. This is how it

Ah, yes, the windows-method, of course. I use this myself quite often, should have known this. So you have to rearrange the list, something like a stack, but thats not my businuess :)

Using shift-alt-control-tab is not very userfriendly though. I do have more than three fingers on my left hand, but pressing four keys simultaneously is... well... not easy.

... and the atari-users would become regular customers to chiropractors ...

I'd rather use just Alt-Tab instead. Would that be a problem? Are there any apps at all that use Alt-Tab for anything?

I would agree on first thought, but there is an application that uses ALT-TAB: windows. The point here is, that I use ALT-TAB quite often when I'm running aranym to switch between aranym and windows, for its not so easy to get the mouse out of its window. Maybe its possible to implement both, Alt-TAB == Atl-Ctrl-TAB?

However, I agree that such a thing belongs to the AES and not an application.

Not necessarily. XaAES has the taskmanager to switch clients, and the menu. This is enough for the start. Then one could install taskbar to get more comfort. Does it run without a desktop? I started it without teradesk and nothing seemed to happen.

Well, I probably shouldn't say this (in case of failure!), but this is one of the things I'm working on now. Some sort of GEMified top with a treeview and a couple of graphs showing CPU and RAM usage.

How can this fail? I would wait until the list-window-feature of XaAES is exported, though, so there is a practical target for the implementation. I would also like an additional headline for each list that names the columns, and by click you can define the sorting, and probably resize the columns (well, like windows again).

Yes please :-) I might also be able to help you out with some coding.

I counted on that anyway!

Unless gcc gives me a stroke that is.

I recommend to install cygwin: Its a real pleasure to run gcc now. The files are compiled in the same time, the atari would need to just touch them!

I would suggest submitting patches after each successful iteration. Would make it easier for the victim ;-)

