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Re: [MiNT] Re[2]: GEM boost

On Sun, 2005-07-17 at 20:10 -0400, evan@coolrunningconcepts.com wrote:
> Quoting Mark Duckworth <mduckworth@atari-source.com>:
> > which is an automated update system.  RPM's are distributed with kernel,
> > gemlib, maybe even windom soon.  RPM is by far the most supported
> > packaging format on MiNT, even if it isn't the best.  This is the php
> > work I've done a while ago that I'm going to be working on again.
> Yeah yeah yeah - the guys that want their Atari to work like a Linux box have
> emulated the troubled of RPM Hell.   I already have a Linux box, so I'm not
> interested in cloning something I already have just to do a poor job at it.

Dude?  What are we supposed to do?  distribute zip files and stzip?
Come on!  I'm building an automated packaging system... 

i.e. sum install windom would download the windom packages and all
dependant packages like gemlib, etc.  It's not my fault if you don't use
yum or other available tools to make your life easier.  That dependency
hell is a blessing in disguise.. Imagine if you just didn't know
something was missing.  It's not a linux problem, it's an open source
and gnu toolchain problem.. and guess what we're using?

Sorry, I haven't seen you try to maintain any packages.  That f*cking
malloc bug should have been gone a long time ago, but since everything
is statically linked, I run into it every now and then and have to
rebuild YET ANOTHER package.

> > to break it to you, but MiNT is an RPM based system - and seeing as how
> > it's our future, Atari is too ;-)
> Last I knew people didn't buy their ST machines for ANY of the little projects
> that exist as RPMs for MiNT.   If the future of MiNT is old ports of Linux
> code, then lemme get my shovel and start digging the grave.  *IF* an installer
> is needed, then provide a user-friendly one.  Otherwise, allow the user run it
> from anywhere.
> Now I know why 50% of the Atari users are using MagiC!

They're not old ports?  This is new stuff!  Oh my god you are such a
blowhard.  I don't see you doing shit.. GNU ports is half the beauty of
MiNT!  RPM's won't be used for gem programs sure, but the gnu foundation
will need to be rpm based and maintained for proper stability... The
sparemint authors understood this - why do you have such difficulty?
You're so quick to attack something that is currently being implemented
and maintained, but I notice you're lacking in constructive criticism
and sounds improvement methods.  

You know what?  It takes a lot of time to port those damn packages
too... and I know for a fact MiNT users use them.

And easymint IS easy!  How much more hand holding do we need to do for a
niche platform? 


I should stop arguing lame arguments and instead go back to work..
That's what we need.
