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Re: [MiNT] trunk-09082010 file structure / content

Am Di, 10.08.2010, 14:32 schrieb Miro Kropacek:

> 1. Unified kernel (where applicable/possible) -- would you accept such
> patch? If not -> I stick to the solution with mint loader, if yes, I
> start working on merging.

To me there is just one answer to this question: Performance. Use the
method that __allows__ to get the most out of the hardware, with minimum
size. But anyway I can't see why different kernel builds ( for 000, 030
etc.) shouldn't be used with an unified kernel approach...

I like to have an kernel that is compiled for my specific processor. And I
like to have it small. And I think it's not so good to have code in kernel
that is never ever used...

And I like to have kernel modules which are also compiled for my specific

Maybe using some kind of combination of CFLAGS, dynamically selected
functions available from unified kernel, and Configuration flags will be
the solution? Then there would be 2 ways to influence the kernel / module

Modifying CFLAGS
Modifying Configuration Flags

What I don't like: When something restricts me from building an fine
grained kernel.

If FreeMiNT had some more users I would say: providing a bunch of suitable
kernels is up to the distribution maintainer... this kernels could be
selected dynamically by an installer for that distribution.
