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Re: [MiNT] XaAES: menus in windows - window handle?

9 aug 2010 kl. 09.06 skrev Miro Kropacek:

>> This could be changed with a few lines in XaAES I think. To pass the handle
>> instead of the pid is done in 5 minutes.
> I don't fully follow this debate but do we still remember something
> like backward compatibility, right? :) I mean, it's OK if some
> software is MiNT-only but I would be very sad to see XaAES >= 0.999
> only software, i.e. not working in (Multi)TOS nor N.AES nor Geneva ...

There is an obvious dilemma here. For once, we have the perfect opportunity to improve the AES and add new features. But using those features means you're sacrificing compatibility with N.AES/MagiC/Geneva/whatever.

I totally get your concern, but in the end it has to be up to the programmer to decide. Personally I would never implement menus in windows "the hard way", but since the feature is available in XaAES I can use it straight away. The alternative would be to not improve the AES and keep everything a'la 1985. In my case, that probably means losing interest completely :)

-- PeP