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Re: [MiNT] Problem with icons under MiNT 1.18

W dniu 2012-01-26 20:29, Helmut Karlowski napisał(a):
Am 25.01.2012, 23:13 Uhr, schrieb Piotrek <mietniow@agh.edu.pl>:

Everything in your AUTO-folder for example (also displayed in the
taskmanager). Are you 100% sure that there is only NVDI? Doesn't the
Hades  use a PCI-graphics-card?
Yes of course in my Hades I have PCI card. I would like say that the 
same prblem I have on my F060+CTPCI+Radeon too
Please rename all *.prg in your auto-folder to *.prx (except mint 
Don't run anything from xaaes.cnf (maybe except desktop).
I have just done it only mint.pg in auto folde without CPX and on the 
falcon and hades is still the same
Do you have memory-protection on your Falcon?
NO when I set Yes than a have a problem with a lot application, for 
example qed killed Memory Voliation and I can not run it
You should post an XaAES-bootlog, Sysinfo-output and what else might
be  useful.
HOw I can do or where I can find this file XaAES-bootlog, 
The bootlog is xa_boot.log, most likely where the km is (delete
before the  test).
OK I will prepare and I will send you

Best Regards

Look for Sysinfo by Th. Bergner, run it and type Ctrl-A.

Also your xaaes.cnf and mint.cnf could be helpful.

If you have access to aranym, you could try to reproduce your problem
there too.
In this moment I have not access to aranym I will have to install on 
That would be best, because I don't have a Hades nor a Falcon.

Dr Piotr Mietniowski
Department of Electronics
AGH University of Science and Technology
Av. Mickiewicza 30
30-056 Krakow, Poland
Bldg. C1 r. 212 tel. +48 12 617 30 44
e-mail: mietniow@agh.edu.pl
