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Re: [MiNT] symlinks and hostfs

Petr Stehlik wrote:
In ARAnyM when we detect that the symlink goes beyond the mapped path I
think we have about three choices:

A) remove (hide) the symlink from guest

Bad idea. Hostfs should show a host directory as is, without transforming it.

B) let it be broken

Probably the most honest solution. I believe that NFS do this - while I didn't test.

C) Standa's real file simulator

This is an interesting feature, could be enabled with an option.

Next example: normal symlink _stays_ symlink

5) $ cd /tmp/afros/drive_c && ln -s olga.app samantha.prg
6) in Teradesk open C: and check the samantha.prg - it's a symlink
(printed in italic)

No, samantha.prg looks like a regular file here.

What else... let's say creating a symlink in the guest

7) in Teradesk select C:\acalc.acc and click File->New, a dialog for
creating new symlink appears. Edit the symlink target and remove the
absolute path "C:\" that is not necessary there, confirm OK
8) $ ls -l /tmp/afros/drive_c/ and you'll see the relative symlink. If
you didn't remove the absolute path in Teradesk you'd get a symlink with
target C:\acalc.acc - not useful on the host yet still fully working on
the guest.

The relative symlink Link_to_acalc.acc is created as expected on the host, I can see "Link_to_acalc.acc -> acalc.acc" with "ls -l" on the host. I never experienced problems with symlinks creation. However Link_to_acalc.acc looks like a regular file in the C:\* TeraDesk window, it is wrong.

I use the official ARAnyM 0.9.8 beta on Cygwin and the official AFROS 8.12. I replaced "D = /" by "D =" in the config file, this is mandatory for making the bug appear.

My AFROS is located in /cygdrive/c/Vincent/afros (yours is in /tmp/afros), I will try to move mine to /tmp just to be sure.

Either we don't test the exact same way, or there is a difference somewhere between Linux and Cygwin.

Vincent Rivière