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Am 22.08.2009, 09:39 Uhr, schrieb Petr Stehlik <pstehlik@sophics.cz>:

Sure, but I find it a little bit irritating, but not important.
Well, try out version 0.9.7beta - that one had a mouse&keyboard autograb
No, I wont ;-) I'm glad everything is running for me as it does.

whenever the host mouse entered ARAnyM window. Maybe you'll find it less
I'l get used to it, dont worry.

Maybe that if you helped me to implement that in XaAES then I could
return the full mouse autograb feature back to ARAnyM. That would be
just great.
Yes, this would be very interesting. I doubt that tplay is the only way,  
but I'll have to study things.
It's the only and easiest way to reliably switch between host and aranym.
this is far from true. In ARAnyM there is a hotkey for releasing the
You mean LS-LC-CA? Does not work. (I uninstalled cloky again). And if it  
would, I'd still prefer ALT-TAB for I can better chose where to go to in  
mouse&keyboard grab and you can re-define it to suit your needs (even
on-the-fly at run-time). A good hotkey that doesn't interfere with Atari
hotkeys is for example right window key.
Yes, this would be a good choice, if it would work. Again: no clocky here.  
If on Right-windows the Windows-Alt-TAB menu or something comparable would  
popup, I would probably change my mind.
Not maybe. Unless you say that running Atari software in Windows
emulators is more important than running it on native hardware (or in
emulators running on more decent host operating systems ;-)
Life consists of making compromises.

You won't force people to not run windows because aranym has some flaws there it doesnt have somewhere else.
> what are you doing there? :-)) Set up a VNC session so I can see your
> magic...

A what?
Would you mind if I'll have a look at this later, and then email you?

I believe I have fixed that in CVS already (it was an interesting STL C
++ related bug).
I will try that one.
