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Helmut Karlowski píše v So 22. 08. 2009 v 14:19 +0200:
> >> You mean LS-LC-CA?
> >
> > I don't mean any concrete combination of hotkeys because it's user
> > configurable and I don't know your configuration.
> I tried the one given in the menu. I would think that the menu-entry is  
> the one that is confugured.

Could you please list the relevant [HOTKEYS] part of your ARAnyM config
file (private mail is perhaps better) and ideally include a screenshot
that would show the "LS-LC-CA" hotkey you mention above. I don't know
what could be the "CA" in your "LS-LC-CA", sorry.

> Ok - if it makes you happy, than it works.

It actually makes me unhappy that it doesn't work for you - that's why I
am so pushing it to resolve it.

> My idea of how to solve this would be: Alt-TAB always goes to the topped  
> system, Ctrl-Alt-TAB to the untopped one. So if I run aranym but it is  
> untopped, and I press Ctrl-Alt-TAB, atari-taskbar opens with the popup to  
> chose which app to top in the then topped aranym. This would need no  
> configuration, would not conflict with anything.

I don't understand this proposal, sorry, though it doesn't matter as the
point is that ARAnyM doesn't even know that the key combination was
pressed. Windows catch the keyboard press and don't report it to the
application that thinks it has a full control over the keyboard...

Anyway, thanks to most recent Vincent's mail this might change in the
next release.
