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Am 22.08.2009, 14:43 Uhr, schrieb Petr Stehlik <pstehlik@sophics.cz>:

that would show the "LS-LC-CA" hotkey you mention above. I don't know
what could be the "CA" in your "LS-LC-CA", sorry.
May have been a typo.

I don't understand this proposal, sorry, though it doesn't matter as the
point is that ARAnyM doesn't even know that the key combination was
pressed. Windows catch the keyboard press and don't report it to the
anranym top: A-TAB -> atari, C-A-TAB -> windows
aranym not top: A-TAB -> windows, C-A-TAB -> atari

This was under the imagination it would be possible to catch everything, and I can imagine that it is, except maybe, the last one.
application that thinks it has a full control over the keyboard...
You can catch nearly all keypresses by Windows-API-calls.

-Helmut (going shopping now...)