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Helmut Karlowski píše v So 22. 08. 2009 v 14:53 +0200:
> Am 22.08.2009, 14:43 Uhr, schrieb Petr Stehlik <pstehlik@sophics.cz>:
> > that would show the "LS-LC-CA" hotkey you mention above. I don't know
> > what could be the "CA" in your "LS-LC-CA", sorry.
> May have been a typo.

We are now definitely off-topic so please mail me the config and
screenshot in private mail. I am still interested in resolving that for

> > application that thinks it has a full control over the keyboard...
> You can catch nearly all keypresses by Windows-API-calls.

We generally try to keep the ARAnyM source code clean and cross-platform
by relying on the SDL library for platform specific input/output. 

Anyway, I didn't know that the Alt+Tab is not being propagated to
ARAnyM. Now when I know it I'll look around how to solve that with the
SDL (I have just googled up a notice from TuxPaint author that he
implemented --grab in 2002 that caught the Alt+Tab).

BTW, TuxPaint could be fun to have compiled for TOS/GEM.
